Manchester, Tennessee 37355
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Although this clinic is currently closed, it will be open in the near future. In the meantime, we can assist you with your needs via Telehealth.
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About Manchester, TN | Orthopedics
Conditions we treat
- Arthritis Assessment & Treatment Strategies
- Hand & Wrist Pain
- Foot & Ankle Pain
- Elbow Pain
- Back & Neck Pain
- Shoulder Pain
- Hip Pain
- Knee Pain
- Fracture Treatment
- Casting
- Splinting & Bracing
- Sports Injuries Assessment & Treatment Strategies
- Sports Physicals
- Workers’ Compensation Injuries Assessment & Treatment Strategies
- And more
How can we help?
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Coming soon!
Although this clinic is currently closed, it will be open in the near future. In the meantime, we can assist you with your needs via Telehealth.
No services
There are no services associated with this clinic.
Get care today
Evan Dyer, PA-C, Tennessee
Manchester, Tennessee
What makes you excited to serve as a part of Fast Pace’s work in Coffee County?
The genuine opportunity to provide high-quality orthopedic care to an otherwise underserved orthopedic population.
What do you want families to know when they place their trust in you for their care?
I will do my very best to respect your time, communicate in an understandable way, and treat them the exact same way I would want someone to treat my mom, dad, grandma, grandpa, brother, sister, wife, or kids. I will do these things all while providing the highest quality, groundbreaking, and conservative orthopedic care in the region.
What is Orthopaedics?
Orthopedics is a medical specialty focusing on the diagnosis, correction, prevention and treatment of patients with disorders of the bones, joints, muscles, ligaments, tendons and nerves. These parts of the body make up the musculoskeletal system. Orthopedics is available for scheduled in-person appointments. Hours vary by provider. Please contact us to find available times.
When should I heat an injury?
Heat is generally used for muscle pain or stiffness. Never apply heat when swelling or inflammation is present. Minor stiffness or tension can usually be relieved after 15 to 20 minutes of direct heat, such as a heating pad.
When should I ice an injury?
Generally, ice should be used within the first 24-48 hours of an injury to reduce swelling and pain. Orthopedics is available for scheduled in-person appointments. Hours vary by provider.
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